A Truly Global Domain.

Zero Language Barrier

Immediate global access and branding. How many domains are accessible to everyone around the world-including those who don’t even use the Latin alphabet?

Getting someone to type in the most visited website in the world, Google.com, when the default keyboard on their phone doesn’t have the correct characters (or when they don’t even know them) is difficult.

Everyone around the world knows, understands, and has instant access to emojis. No language barrier. This opens the domain up to being used completely globally. China, India, Europe, America, Japan, Korea, Africa.

The world is your 🦪.

구름 wolk хмара മേഘം kapua nuage 云 bulut облако mrak pilvi मेघ wolke σύννεφο 雲 ský awan ענן… CLOUD.

Only around 20 single character emoji dotcom domains exist. Most are symbols that aren’t useful or relevant (see for yourself👇).

No more dotcom emoji domains can ever be registered.

  • ☁️.com

  • ♻️.com

  • ✈️.com

  • ⌚.com

  • ⌨️.com

  • ✂️.com

  • ☎️.com

  • ✌.com

  • ♂️.com

  • ♀️.com

  • ✔️.com

  • ♨️.com

  • ☃️.com

  • ❄️.com

  • ♦️.com

  • ♠️.com

  • ☮️.com

  • ☯️.com

  • ♍.com

  • ♌.com

  • ♋.com

  • ☪️.com

By the numbers...

  • 10 billion emojis are sent each day

  • 92% of the world’s online population use emojis

  • Over half of the global emoji users (55%) are more willing to buy an item using an emoji

  • 92% of global emoji users agree that emojis make it easier for them to communicate across language barriers

Global cloud infrastructure companies and market caps:

Microsoft: $3.1T

Google: $1.71T

Amazon: $1.85T

Tencent: $330B

Alibaba: $188B

Oracle: $312B

Salesforce: $306B

SAP: $230B

IBM: $172B

And many more. Cloud computing, processing, gaming, streaming, machine learning, is all growing at around 20% per year. This trend isn’t stopping anytime soon.

The year is 2040…

Your business owns ☁️.com. Teenagers who grew up with emojis engrained in their lexicon are now moving into positions of power in the world’s largest companies. Most of these companies are completely ☁️ based or related to☁️ infrastructure. Almost every other company in the world uses ☁️ services of some sort (94% already do). This new generation of CEOs are all mad at the “boomers” who ran the companies before them who couldn’t adapt to changes. Free worldwide traffic flows to you though. Your website advertises itself because everyone who is interested in ☁️ services knows right where to go. The ☁️ built into billions of phone keyboards around the world is you. You have the single most important ☁️ domain and never have to worry about acquiring other domains for localization no matter how far you expand.